Novus Plastic Polish - Novus #3

Novus Plastic Polish - Novus #3

Code: novus_plastic_polish_3



Product Description

Novus #3 Discount Eligability
Novus #3 heavy scratch remover is a high
quality scratch remover that will successfully
remove heavy scratches in many different 
types of acrylics and plastics. 
*Can be combined with any of our acrylic polishes*
1 - 3: List Price
4 - 7: 5% Discount
8 - 9: 7% Discount
10+: 10% Discount
Technical Specifications
Before Polishing: Before attempting to clean or
remove scratches, always make sure the plastic
surface is cool to the touch.  Use a liberal amount 
of plastic cleaner to safely remove surface dust
and dirt.  Test scratch removers in a small or 
inconspicuous area for compatibility. 

Power Buffer: If the damaged area is fairly or badly
damaged, a power buffer may be used with NOVUS
#2 and #3.  Use a clean cotton bonnet and operate
at a low speed to avoid overheating plastic; appox
1,000 RPM.  Each polish should be applied with an
individual bonnet.  

Polishing Cloth: The type of polishing cloth you 
use will make a difference.  The ideal cloth is 
nonabrasive, absorbent and lint free.  

Coated Plastics: Some plastics are coated with a 
film which may be damaged by the abrasives in the 
polish.  Novus #2 and #3 are not recommended for
use on coated plastics or eyeglass lenses.